Tuesday, August 6, 2013

i don't wanna live in the modern world!

....in the words of mike dirn't.

well, what a world we've built for ourselves?  eh?  i find that little chorus that's tucked away in a random song at the end of a criminally underrated album to be the words that pop up in my head on a near-daily basis.  that and the question of "how convenient does life need to get before it becomes too convenient?"

we live in a nation where we constantly claim to be the greatest country in the world yet are hated by millions around the world for our ignorance, our arrogance, our poking our nose into other people's business, and our disgusting pop culture.  how do these people at the big mtv board of directors offices sleep at night?  they aren't dumb, they've exploited the youth in a ridiculously clever way.  they've promoted a disgusting culture and embraced failure in young people.....as long as it is "good television."  how disgusting.  we are no longer a production industry, we've morphed into a service industry.  we've become pompous and arrogant about our own ignorance.  hell, most people who use the word "ignorant" have literally no clue of what it actually means!!!!

and back to this whole mtv thing.  these jersey shore/real world/bullshit look-at-me-i'm-a-clown tv shows have embraced a frat-boy-stereotype culture that is disgusting to share a bar with.  i don't need to hear some idiot yell "yolo" while he does a shot of crown and talks about how his girlfriend is a "hot mess" while i'm trying to sip my beer and watch the hockey game.  and why is it ok for these meat-heads to wear t-shirts with blatant vulgarity on them!??!?!?  remember when a man dressed like a fucking man?  and wore a nice shirt, nice pants, and a nice hat on a daily basis?  why can't we go back to that?  nobody needs to see your biceps dude.  except, of course, the girls who are even dumber than you are and so brainwashed by the television that they think you're hot cause you look like the dude on real world.

and god forbid everything we do isn't broadcast to the world INSTANTLY.  instagram.  facebook.  twitter.  smart phones.  do we really need these things?  i survive without 3 of the 4 and i do just fine.  and being gone for 5 days and not being able to check my facebook was wonderful.  HOW CONVENIENT DOES LIFE NEED TO GET BEFORE IT BECOMES TOO CONVENIENT!!!!?  it's disgusting.  these things are idiotic.  i do not care about your twitter feed and what you're doing every second of every day.  stop fucking hashtagging key words and if you really have something interesting to say, then spell it out for real.  i'm disgusted by these people who are a slave to their own technology.  video games are just as big of a culprit.  man, anything we can do to escape our own boring lives, right?  god forbid we get our hands dirty and learn a trade or develop a hobby.  that's just gross to even think about.  i mean, who retains any knowledge these days anyways?  you can just look up everything you need to know on your smart phone!

we are a disgusting culture!

and twerking?  jesus h. christ.  dancing in general has gotten out of control.  i don't dance, i've made that publicly known many times before.  but if you wanna dance with me like how they danced in the old age, then i will gladly hold your hand and go for a twirl.  i will not, however, be humping you on the dance floor like we're ready to have sex.  it's disgusting.  how did such a romantic and culturally significant act degrade itself and turn into a disgusting display of sex?!  can't we save our sexual tension for where it belongs?  ya know...keep it personal between you and your partner?  of course not, cause i mean.....who doesn't cheat these days?  it's just totally fine to go around banging other guys/girls....i mean, unless your the one who's getting cheated on while trying to be faithful.  but fuck that square anyways, he/she's gotta get with the program and start banging out other people behind their significant other's backs.  and really, what do we dance to?  it doesn't sound like music to me.  i thought music had instrumentation...didn't it at one point at least?

but hey, we're all "progressive thinkers" nowadays.  facebook is cluttered with "republicans are idiots" "you're an idiot if you believe in god" or "don't take our guns" posts.  shut up.  half of you are idiots and are just spewing out the rhetoric of other people anyways.  where's your belief structure?  when obama got elected, people flipped shit because of his skin color....but everyone i asked who was celebrating (by setting off the fire alarms of all the dorm rooms on my college campus by the way, a huge safety issue) had literally no idea of his policies.  it's the whole randy marsh "it's change, everything's going to be different but i don't know why!" stand point.  thank god for south park, it's at least kept me partially sane for a while.  but i digress.  so obama gets elected and people riot for reasons that they themselves don't understand.  fast forward a few years and george zimmerman is found not guilty.  and people riot again for reasons they don't understand.  can't you idiots research ANYTHING before you flip out?  the most racist thing about that whole trial wasn't the shooting, it was the way people reacted to the verdict without looking at any statistics involving interracial crime.  SHUT THE FUCK UP!  PLEASE!

i made an effort about a year ago to try and stop focusing on politics so much because it was making me miserable.  i used to really focus on the corruption and the conspiracy and the off-kilter idiocy of everything and i wanted to worry more about what makes me happy.  but what it did was make me realize just how idiotic we are on a social level.  i mean....how DARE we suggest there's any conspiracy in government.  the american government....there's no possible way they could have any involvement in the world trade center attack or any of the other outrageous political bullshit that has occurred since.  and if you think there is, you are clearly a wack job, right?  i mean...it's not like we didn't stage bombings to try and take out castro, or that we didn't know about pearl harbor ahead of time and turn a blind eye so that it gave us an excuse to go to war.  oh wait....all that did happen.  but not anymore!  that's in the past!  right?!?!?!?  RIGHT?!?!?!?!? give me a fucking break!  you people are morons.  we're in a bigger mess than ever.

and on a side note, why are you close minded if you oppose gay marriage?  not that i oppose it, i could really care less.  but it's these "progressive thinkers" that think you're an old redneck bible thumper if you're not into gay marriage.  ya know, the people who say "everyone has a right to have their own opinion!"  well....what if that person's opinion is that they believe in the religious sanctity of marriage and that's the way they interpret the bible?  is it not ok because their right to an opinion isn't YOUR opinion?  shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  you are soooooooooooooooo backwards!

ya know, i really hate it.  i friggin hate it man.  it makes me scared to ever want to bring a kid into this world, or even live past 30.  how bad is it going to get if it's already this disgusting?  i often say i feel i was born in the wrong time period, and i really believe that.  there's so very few things that are truly pure in society anymore.  and believe me, i know that i'm far from perfect.  i wish i knew what to do about it.  maybe it's that old jesse lacey phrase, ya know, let's die young and save ourselves.  or maybe it's an even older rivers cuomo phrase, and sometimes it don't seem so bad to settle down with a good woman....ya know, and just settle into an old-fashioned happy marriage and ignore the idiocy.  but then what happens when you have kids and they go to school and see this disgusting culture?  you can't home school them, because then they have no social skills and become an outcast.  how do you win?  i really don't know.

thank god pumpkin beer is out already, it's gonna be a long end of summer/fall.

if you read all of this, then man, i hope i didn't ruin your day.

ps: the album is still coming.