Friday, March 25, 2011

Noah and the Whale. Last Night on Earth, Toronto. 3/24/11

Last Night on Earth was easily my most anticipated album of the year and one of my most anticipated albums ever. The First Days of Spring is far and away one of the most moving albums I've ever heard, and is easily in my top 5 favorite records ever made. That being said, did Last Night on Earth meet my expectations? No, I unfortunately can't say that it did. But the reasons why are mostly due to my own personal tastes and not the quality of the music. One of the reasons why the first two albums are so great to me is how organic they sound and how real the place they seem to come from. Anyone who's ever had a heartbreak can relate to the second album, and anyone who's ever been in love can relate to the first. The third album is a change of pace. It's a lot more electronically driven. Gone are the guitar and violin hooks, and in are the electronic drum beats and keyboards. The catchy pop sensibilities are still there and as soon as Charlie Fink starts singing, you know it's still the same band. I have my theories on such a change, I feel as if Doug leaving had a lot to do with it, but that's neither here nor there. The album is far from a bad album, it's just different. Sure it has it's bad moments (the hook "your life is your life, you gotta live like it's your life" is a rather dreadful lyric), but you can't expect a band to make three albums without a single down moment.

That being said, I never thought I'd get the chance to see them live in the era in which I fell in love with as they're from across the pond. Luckily, on just their second trip, I was able to catch them in Toronto. Their first appearance at the Mod Club before the release of their second album would have been the night of my life had it occurred last night, but such a feet would be impossible, either I'd see the songs I love before they were even released and I would have stood there like a zombie, or I see the show I saw last night and love every minute of it. And I did in fact love every minute of it.

The night started in the freezing cold, waiting in line for doors (which opened a half hour late). While waiting, I saw the band ducking out the back door and heading down the road to some local restaurant or something of the sort. I found it kind of odd for some reason, but that's neither here nor there. The local band Bahamas was the opening act and the crowd loved them. They consisted simply of a singer/guitar player, a drummer, and apparently a pair of female backing vocalists performing for the first time with the band. The guitar player's style was awkward to watch but the music they put out was incredibly engaging and really fun to listen to.

To Noah and the Whale's credit, the change-over between sets was incredibly quick (oh I hate a long wait between bands, it can be so frustrating). And soon the lights were dimmed with that white Jaguar center stage on a guitar stand. Damn, that guitar that wrote one of my favorite albums ever was only a couple feet away.

Over the PA comes a familiar tune: a big-band instrumental of Bohemian Rhapsody. The entire crowd sang along, and just before the final "nothing really matters," out came the band. Besides the new album, the setlists I had seen had mildly lowered my expectations, a lot of new songs to start and a rather short set in general. That wouldn't be the only time I was proven wrong. With no introduction to the crowd, the band blasted into Blue Skies, and the rest of the
show was nothing short of excellent. Tom's violin levels were a little low at the start but other than that, the entire band sounded excellent. With all 5 guys in suit and tie, it was almost funny to see Charlie so animated in his performance seeing as he always seemed so docile in videos. His small stature was fun to watch fist pump and pseudo-direct the band. His appearance almost seemed arrogant and cocky, but every time he opened his mouth to talk in between songs, that notion was out the window with such a calm and almost shy voice settling over the crowd.

The band was friendly and engaging with the crowd and played through the entire new album, half of the second, and a good dose of the first. "Give a Little Love" turned into a full blown rock jam, and seeing my two favorites off of the new album ("The Line" and "Old Joy") only made me like those two tracks more. After Fink noted that we were in fact in the first days of spring, the back to back tandem of "I Have Nothing" and "My Door is Always Open" was one of the most beautiful concert moments I've ever witnessed.

Criticism of this show would be almost impossible minus some petty things. Sure, I would have loved to have heard "Mary" or the entire second album front to back, but that wasn't to be and that's fine. I still think Urby needs a haircut, I thoroughly enjoyed his old short haircut/hat look from back in oh'8/oh'9. But he seems very into the suit and tie/long hair/peace sign-giving niche he's found his way into, and that's fine. The show was absolutely incredible and was everything I had hoped to be and blew all my worries out the window. The only possible HONEST complaint I have was that the setlist had "Stranger" but the song was cut for some reason or another. I would have loved to have seen that song live as the last minute of the piece is absolutely beautiful.

Thank you, Noah and the Whale, you were fucking incredible and I pray you come back within my driving range soon. I have never been so close to tears so many times in a show, the music has such a place in my heart and represents so many incredible memories in my life.

-Blue Skies
-Tonight's the Kind of Night
-Give a Little Love
-Give It All Back
-Love of an Orchestra
-Life is Life
-Just Me Before We Met
-The Line
-Stranger (NOT PLAYED)
-I Have Nothing
-My Door is Always Open
-Wild Thing
-Rocks and Daggers
-Shape of my Heart
-Waiting for my Chance to Come
-The First Days of Spring
-Old Joy
-5 Years Time


  1. CRAP. It is a damn shame that your work, your life, your in the way of experiencing such a magnificent band.Damn, damn, damn...but the result is two kids in college...crap, damn, damn....Justin!!
